Best K-12 Schools and amongst the Schools with Best Sports Facilities
In the vicinity of Greater Noida, Shri Ram Global School rates high amongst the schools having best sports facilities. The school is equally rated high to be the best K–12 schools in Greater Noida.

(age 1 ½ to 3 years)
The beautiful curriculum for Mother-Toddler, Caterpillar and Butterfly, encompasses the brain development necessary for early years. Children are taught to enjoy the use of five senses to observe, experience and learn.

(Nursery and KG) (age 3-5 years)
Builds the pre requisite knowledge and skills necessary for formal schooling. The love for schooling is consolidated by fun learning activities to ensure that the child loves to come to school. Obviously, it is easy to teach happy and eager children.

(Grade 1 to 5) (age 5-10 years)
This is the crucial time when our young adults become confident and courageous to take upon the world. Teaching learning is woven around activities that create a strong base for Language Development, Cognitive Skills and a Healthy Body.
Primary School

(Grade 6 to 8) (age 11 to 14 years)
Time to explore subjects and vocations in-depth to find out an individual’s calling in life. Project Based Experiential Learning becomes the dominant pedagogy. Opportunities for Problem Solving and Decision Making become everyday norm. Time to hone one’s hobbies and interests as well.
Middle School

(Grade 9 and 10) (age 15-16 years)
The young adult is now ready to take up serious academics and create a sound foundation for +2 specialisation. Final touches to Personality Development and Life Skills form the Extra Curriculum here.
Secondary School

(Grade 11 and 12) (age 17-18 years)
Two years to prepare for Admissions in premier Higher Education Institutes in India and abroad. Career Mapping and Planning that starts in Secondary School culminates now with excellent placement of each and every student.
Senior Secondary School
The model K-12 refers to the education model where the letter “K” stands for Kindergarten and number 12 stand for the 12th grade. The complete word – “K-12” includes kindergarten, primary schooling, secondary schooling, high-schooling and pre-university. Considered as one of the best K-12 schools providing contemporary education, SRGS emphasizes on online learning and latest style of education.
1. What is the school’s USP (unique selling proposition)?
a) The Shriram Legacy (The Brand) inspires all stakeholders of the school to demonstrate Excellence in Thought and Action. The school processes are set and adaptation easy. We do not have to reinvent the wheel every time. The Curriculum is well researched and vetted by a Panel of expert educationists in practice.
b) The recruitment and Training process of Faculty is very rigorous. Continuous Training, Implementation, Observation and Feedback Cycle ensures quick pressing out of all creases. The school adopts Experiential learning pedagogies.
c) The excellent teacher student ratio ensures that teacher is able to deliver differential teaching as per diverse needs of a learner.
d) A comprehensive Time-Table ensures exposure of students to a wide variety of activities in Arts, Cultural, Literary, Sports, etc. Clubs on one hand give education in citizenship and on the other hand nurture specific interests of students.
e) The beautiful Learning Spaces, be it the World Class Library with Kindles, Research and Music Sections; the Art, Music Dance and Instrumental Music Studios; The STEM Lab with AI, VR and Maker Space; The Auditorium; Math Lab; Physics, Chemistry, Biology Labs; Computer Science Lab with 3D Designing and Printing; Indoor Badminton, Skating, Aerobics Lounges; Outdoor Football, Cricket, Swimming, Athletic Track, etc. with passionate facilitators; all help the child in the quest for ‘His/her Life’s Calling!’
2. What is the distinguishing feature of the education imparted by the school?
A few notable examples of distinguishing features:
- Right Brain Development Curriculum from Grade Nursery to Grade 1. These techniques ensure that no child left behind in class.
- The Visual and Performing Arts Curriculum is very rich with traditional Art Forms and Classical Music and Dance as the base subjects and global genres used for exposure.
- Inculcation of Good Habits like Greeting, Hygiene, Meditation, Cleanliness, etc.
- Every child becomes a good communicator by regular practice in Public Speaking.
- Personality Development modules from Grade 1-8 covering Manners and Etiquettes, Usage of appropriate Vocabulary, Problem Solving and Group Discussion Techniques.
- Leadership Camps.